วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Modern Warfail Episode 2: The intervention vs Barrett (Modern Warfare 2 Machinima)

Click above to view on www.youtube.com Modern Warfail Episode 1: It 'Modern Urban Warfail Episode 2: intervention vs Barrett (Modern Warfare 2 Machinima) In the second episode of Modern Warfail, John and Harry, there are snipers and comparison of the two sniper rifles if things go a bit 'easier than expected. Made by Massive Renaldoxx and Markkoh X Productions Director's Channel: www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ConsequencesMachinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com ‪ ‪ twitter.com Inside Gaming Machinima Machinima respawn ‪ twitter.com entertainment, technology, culture ‪ twitter.com Machinima For more information visit: www.youtube.com gameplay FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO www.youtube. Com Tags: Modern Warfare 2 Machinima Episode 2 Warfail Renaldoxx Markkoh game Call of Duty funny humor Massive Sniper Rifle intervention Productions MassiveX YT: high quality = Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 MW2 UPC 47875333376 047 875 837 492 PS3 Xbox 360XBox360 X360 PC 0047875333376 MPN 83 747 Activision Infinity Ward 6 yt Duty CoD MW two: High quality =


